It’s time to act, and it’s time to act now. The internet is an unsafe place: malware, ransomware, phishing scams. The worst has happened before and it will happen again; and the next time you could be the one left dealing with the fallout. What cyber security measures can you take? And how hard are they really? We will show you that as long as you set up a few basic precautions, such as using two-step verification, downloading anti-malware software and browsing with anti-virus settings like noble finance ada ok enabled then cyber security is not that difficult after all.

1. Disable Remote Desktop Access

Remote desktop is the bane of established security more than anything else. This feature exists for a reason: it allows quick and easy access to your desktop without having to have network access to the machine you are using. That’s great, if you are logged in as root on that machine. But what happens when someone gets into your system, breaks into your system and then logs in remotely? You can’t see their activity, much less stop them, simply because they aren’t on that machine anymore. They are sitting at a desk somewhere, perhaps even watching you while they do it. By disabling remote desktop access you deny them this ability, leaving the only option of disabling the system entirely.

2. Disable Unused Ports

By default most systems will have all ports open to allow access from the outside. This sounds like a great idea, but it isn’t. It’s just like your front door: you want people to be able to come in, but you don’t want them lingering around the living room if they aren’t welcome. Ports are how people are “let in” and how they stay connected, much in the same way that electrical switches let you keep your lights on while keeping burglars and thieves out of your house. By closing ports that aren’t needed you reduce access without having to close everything off entirely, which can make it very difficult to get back online.

3. Install Anti-Malware Software

It’s tempting to assume that your system doesn’t have any malware, or that it couldn’t be infected. But of course it could! And the best way to protect yourself is to install anti-malware software, such as trusted and tested brands like Norton Internet Security or McAfee Internet Security . These are constantly updated to combat the latest threats, and they use both active and passive scanning systems to keep you safe. They will run a full system scan at least once a week, checking for vulnerabilities and attempting to remove any malware that finds its way on your machine.

4. Watch Out for Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are still a huge problem, and they are used by hackers to breach networks. By crafting an email address that looks like it is from a legitimate source and then sending it to thousands of unsuspecting people a hacker can steal your sensitive information, such as your social security number or bank details, simply by getting you to click on a link. The first step to protecting yourself is understanding how phishing attacks work. For example, if you get an email saying that your bank has been robbed and you need to log in and review recent transactions then it is very likely a phishing attack. What they are doing is creating a false email with the bank’s address in it, hoping that you will click on the link that takes you to their website where they hope to steal your personal information.

5. Use Strong Passwords

Passwords are the most basic level of security, but many people forget this or ignore it entirely because it doesn’t seem important. However, when you have thousands of accounts online, all with varying levels of information attached to them but all with access granted through passwords then how do you tell which one is real? You can’t. That’s why strong passwords are so important. They should contain a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numerical digits and special characters in order to create random words. Using these techniques you can be sure that no one could predict the words you chose and that they wouldn’t be found on a dictionary search. It also means that there is very little chance of them being discovered by anyone else, unless they have access to your account as well.

6. Install an Antivirus Program

Anti-virus programs are available for free, but their effectiveness is limited. Most of the time they simply remove the problem and allow it to go unnoticed again; they don’t watch out for things before they happen. This is where an antivirus program comes in. These programs actively scan and monitor your system’s most important files in order to detect any changes, then create new ones when the changes are made. They will also automatically remove malware that is found, or notify you when it has been removed and there are no traces left behind.


We have seen that cyber security is not as difficult as it seems. By applying a few basic precautions to your everyday usage you can ensure that your system is safe and secure, protecting you in the process. Keep in mind that no matter how good your precautions are, an attack on your system can still happen. But by using these tips, they will happen less often and you will have a better chance of getting back online and dealing with the problem quickly.

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