What is Nulife Fitness Schedule ?

Nulife Fitness schedule is a fitness schedule that anyone can follow. It includes exercises and workouts which are easy to do and will help you in your fitness goals. Nulife Fitness Schedule does not include any complicated methods or techniques to follow and does not require you to take any special diet charts. It actually advocates following a normal diet chart which mainly includes vegetables, fruits, dairy products, beans and pulses etc.

When it comes to exercises, it includes a total of 18 different easy-to-do workouts for each body part including legs, arms, stomachs and chest muscles. These workouts can be performed in the comfort of your own home or gym with no additional equipment required.

Why do you need a Nulife Fitness Schedule ?

The only time you feel motivated to exercise is when your mood is good, right? But what if you have bad moods all the time? No one has the motivation to exercise in those moments! That’s why Nulife Fitness Schedule was created — so that it doesn’t matter what type of mood people are in, they will always be able to reach their fitness goals.

How do I get started on my wellness journey with this guide ?

Start by downloading the app from Apple or Android stores . Follow the schedule and workout routines of the app. Remember to follow the nutrition rules. There is no need to adapt any special diet, just eat your regular food but with smaller portions. The only thing that needs to be changed is that you need to reduce sugar in your daily diet. Sugar makes you addicted to food and makes it difficult for you to lose weight. [article end]. It includes exercises and workouts which are easy to do and will help you in your fitness goals. Nulife Fitness Schedule does not include any complicated methods or techniques to follow and does not require you to take any special diet charts. It actually advocates following a normal diet chart which mainly includes vegetables, fruits, dairy products, beans and pulses etc. It will be useful for you even if you are an athlete or a person who has a sedentary lifestyle. Once your fitness goals are achieved, it will be easier for you to maintain them forever.

This is the full schedule of Nulife Fitness:

The above schedule represents the best possible schedule which one can follow if they want to achieve their fitness goals within the shortest time possible and avoid unnecessary dieting complications.

It should be kept in mind that there is no need to follow the schedule word-by-word. You can modify it according to your needs and fitness goals. For example, if you are already in shape and have a six pack, then you don’t need to do Crunches every day; instead, you can choose other workouts which will help you increase the size of your muscles or reduce fat in other parts of the body. If you are not a morning person then, there are some exercises which can be done at night before going to sleep.


The main advantage of this app is that it is based on how you feel. Well, that’s the best thing about this plan of fitness routine. If you want to exercise every day, you will get to do it irrespective of your mood. And with this schedule, there are no extra expenses involved because all you need is some common household items and simple step by step instructions are provided. You can do it anywhere or at your home or in a gym or at school or in college etc. It’s all up to you!


The disadvantages are few in number but they may appear very significant if they are not dealt with in an appropriate manner by the user himself. The main disadvantage of this schedule is that it is possible that even after following this schedule to the letter, it may not work. Well, the answer to this question lies in your own hands. If you are not happy with the results, then you can write down your requirements and send them to us and we will try our best to improve Nulife Fitness Schedule .

Is there anything else I should know?

In addition to following the Nulife Fitness Schedule , you need to stay away from processed food and drink less soda. You also need to sleep for at least 7-8 hours per day. This will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle much more easily.

Here are some of the things you will learn in the course of Nulife Fitness Schedule :

How to build muscles and lose fat at the same time. How to maintain a healthy weight. How to manage stress and depression. How women can have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Basic yoga poses and how they can help you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle [approx: 30 min]. Preventing diabetes by controlling your carbohydrate intake during breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. [approx: 45 min]. Increase your metabolism by pumping up your metabolism through high-intensity exercises [approx: 10 min]. Practical tips on how to monitor your fitness routine with Google Fit or Apple Health app [approx: 10 min].

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