An ‘average’ person spends nearly three hours a day on Facebook, two hours listening to music, assist healthcare staffing and one hour watching television. That is almost ten hours of total media in one day. Let’s take a look at what are the most important facts to know about jobs and careers as they appear in newspapers.

1. Newspapers Don’t Reach Everyone: 

Although people may believe that the television commercials they watch are enough to make them want a new job or career, they’re actually only reaching fifty-five percent of the population. The World Health Organization reports that thirty-eight percent of adults are not even aware that there is another world outside their home (other than television). 

2. Jobs Count:

There are 43 million jobs in the United States and 30 million of them are held by women. It’s worth it to know that this country needs certain jobs more than others:

Medical Assistants and Medical Office Managers have an annual growth rate of 22%. Salesperson is an important job, with big growth in sales, but only a 2% rate of growth. It’s good to know that the average income for a Newspaper Reporter is $40,000 per year, but there will be fewer of those jobs available because newspapers are cutting back on reporters as they struggle to survive. 

3. Careers Are Okay:

In 2010, the unemployment rate in the United States was 9.1%, with 10.2 million people unemployed and searching for a job. However, many people who are not actively seeking a job will not be counted as unemployed because they look down on their current jobs and feel that it’s too risky to leave them for a new career. CareerBuilder says that 81% of job seekers have already applied to at least three jobs before they find their ideal position. That suggests that even those who advertise in print media need to use online advertising if they hope to reach more people for the same salary cost.

4. The Cost of Times Have Changed:

The value of a newspaper ad actually works out to be only $0.0014 per daily reader. That means that if you want to reach 2 million people, you’re looking at $28,000 for newspaper ads. If you want to reach 5 million people, the cost will be $70,000. If you want to reach 10 million people, the cost is $140,000. Compare those numbers to online advertising: Google AdWords only charges a maximum of $0.80 per click and that’s if someone clicks on your website from your ad on Google’s search engine page and spends three minutes on your site. Then Google charges another $0.12 per click if you want to get ads on Facebook. So while newspaper ads may cost less than using Facebook or Google AdWords, they don’t pay nearly as well as the percentage of people who see them.

5. The Public Is Passive:

A new study from Reading, Pa. based advertising agency Razorfish found that newspapers may be helping to keep jobs by creating advertising revenue for their publishers, but that the ads are only reaching about thirty-five percent of the readership. Of course, some people read newspapers just for entertainment, but there is another percentage of people who do not have a strong interest in reading the news but still carry them in their shopping carts.

6. The Average Job Seeker Knows Technology:

The study from CareerBuilder also found that nearly 60% of the jobs advertised on their site were never advertised in a traditional newspaper. That’s because companies are finding that the Internet is a much better way to reach their target market and get in front of the right people much faster. People who do not work in advertising or marketing still use online advertising daily because they are used to being inundated with it whether they like it or not.

7. People Are Smart:

Taking a look at the growing salaries for journalists, it should be noted that journalists are paid very well for their work. The average salary for a journalist is about $40,000 per year. That’s about half of the pay for actors and actresses or even salespeople in other industries. The job outlook is good because more and more of our devices are becoming computerized so that it is easier to manage a newspaper ad campaign online than by working in newspapers as a journalist (unless you get lucky and your newspaper decides to modernize itself).

8. Digital Ad Spending Is Still Growing:

It may seem counter-intuitive but digital advertising is still growing, even if newspapers are struggling. In fact, even though the ad revenue in newspapers is dropping by seven percent a year, digital spending is up by ten percent a year. What is more, the number of people who use a computer to read online ads has grown from one-fifth of all online users in 2004 to 44% today. The study from CareerBuilder also found that 71% of people who see newspapers or magazines are likely to consider responding to an ad.

9. Newspaper Circulation Is Declining:

The average American adult person reads only two pieces of print media at home each day which leaves the remaining four hours for television and music. But here’s the thing about those two pieces of print media: they’re getting shorter.

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