In 2022, many people want to make money by posting content on social networks. One of the most sought after platforms is YouTube because the video format is very popular with people now.

The hardest part of being a blogger is getting started, and that’s why today we want to talk about what you need to do to grow your channel from scratch.

Video creation

The main job of a blogger is content creation. If your content is of poor quality and unattractive to users, then there is no point in filming and publishing it. Pay close attention to filming and editing to make your videos really catchy.

Particular attention should be paid to the first 15-20 seconds, because in them the viewer decides whether he will watch the video or close it immediately. To make your content get a lot of views, you can buy YouTube views on a specialized website, and then a large number of users will open your videos and watch them. But besides this, audience retention is an important indicator, and it directly depends on the quality of your content.

During the story, make references to your past materials and encourage them to watch them. This way you can increase the statistics of some of your videos by posting one new one. Just try to do it organically in the context of the story.

Ask friends to help you with promotion

At the initial stage of work, you most likely have a very small budget for promotion. For this reason, you do not need to spend your last money on ordering ads from major creators and wait for some miracle after that (it may not come).

You can ask your friends to share your videos and write comments. Yes, it will not be really popular, but it will positively set the platform algorithms in your direction. In the future, the platform will push your posts to the top of the users’ feeds because they will be considered promising.

In addition to this method, you can use the cheapest and most effective way to promote and buy views on YouTube from companies that provide the ability to quickly raise content statistics. This is the only way that gives a 100% result and does not hit your budget.

Interaction with the audience

From the very beginning of your career, you need to show users your goodwill and gain their trust. To do this, you should try to answer all questions in the comments and respond to positive reviews.

We understand that over time it will be more and more difficult for you to interact with users because their number will grow and therefore there will be a lot of comments. However, if possible, you should at least like what they write or respond with emoji.


YouTube is an old but still popular and promising platform for publishing content. We recommend that you start running your channel as soon as possible and not be afraid of difficulties. Use our advice and go to your goal.

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