It takes plenty of things to create an application or project. App developers need to choose the right technology stack. A technology stack is the mixture of technologies that a company utilizes to create and run an app. A tech stack includes programming languages, databases, frameworks, front-end tools, back-end tools, and more. The success of your app depends on what you choose for the technology stack. Also, you have to use the tools necessary to meet customer needs and make your company grow. Also, you have to focus on selecting the right analytics tools. They tell you about the performance of your application. 

Frameworks are very crucial for the development of an app. It provides fundamental structure to help the development of applications for a distinct environment. It includes programs, compilers, code libraries, application programming interfaces (APIs), and more. Many people feel confused while selecting between Flutter and React Native frameworks. In this article, you can check all details about Flutter vs. React native

About Flutter 

Developers have been using the Flutter framework for app development for a long time. This app development framework uses dart language and helps in cross-platform app development. Also, it allows developers to create different applications using a single codebase. Developers can make apps for desktops and mobile phones through Flutter. This app development framework is famous because it has a friendly user interface and a fast development process. Many big companies have used this framework to create apps like Alibaba, Google Ads, Hookle, etc. 

You can depend on the Flutter framework for different reasons. Developers can make changes in the source code without stopping or reloading it. The hot reload results of Flutter provide a fast development experience to the users. Also, it does not involve much testing as it runs on a single codebase. This app development framework has its own native 2D graphics library and allows users to create excellent designs. 

About React Native

React Native is another application development framework with some similarities with Flutter. It uses JavaScript and also helps in cross-platform app development. It supports platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, UWP, and more. Another best thing about this app development framework is that it is scalable. You can use it to create any size of project. Facebook developed and released React Native back in 2015. The developers love to work on React Native which uses JavaScript as a programming language to create apps.

Big companies have used React Native to create apps for Instagram, Walmart, Bloomberg, etc. Developers use this app development framework for different reasons. It also uses a single codebase across platforms like iOS and Android. Also, it is easy for the developer to edit the source code and see the result fast due to the feature of a fast refresh. A developer has complete freedom for app development while using React Native framework. 

Things To Consider While Choosing Between Flutter And React Native 

Below, you can check tips to choose between Flutter and React Native frameworks:

  1. The big difference between Flutter and React Native is their programming languages. Flutter uses Dart programming language, and React Native uses JavaScript. Many developers prefer React Native over Flutter as JavaScript is simple to learn and practice. Many developers find the Dart language tough to learn.
  2. The best thing about Flutter is that it is faster than React Native. You can open its apps quickly. React Native takes more time to load apps as it uses JavaScript. Flutter runs on a smoothness setting at 60 fps which is the secret behind the app’s performance.
  3. You can also consider the architecture while selecting between Flutter and React Native. Flutter’s Skia architecture develops native codes out of the source code written in Dart. React Native’s Flux uses JavaScript to run the codes. React Native has a programming bridge that lowers the app rendering time.
  4. You can also consider the installation speeds of Flutter and React Native. Flutter installation requires more time as it does not use any program bridges, and you need to download the full binary for the particular platform. Installation of React Native is fast as you can use a node package manager and install it quickly. 


It is tough to choose between Flutter and React Native as both are excellent app development frameworks. Many companies are already using both frameworks to make excellent apps. It is better to pick one framework based on your purpose and app type. 

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