We’ve assembled a list of some of the best tactics for FINANCE. Of course, all of these strategies are dependent on your personal goals and risk tolerance like jansport onyx 34 travel pack. We’ll explore strategies that offer the potential for higher returns with greater risk, as well as those that trade off higher potential returns for lower risk. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution — we need to figure out what’s best for you by taking into account your comfort level with various types of investment risk, investment time horizon, financial situation and lifestyle needs.

1. Start Early, Invest Regularly

What we’re saying here is that compounding isn’t a nimble friend who comes to your aid in the nick of time. Instead, it’s a slow and steady soldier who shows up every day to do the heavy lifting. Most people will fall into one of the following two camps: One is the panicked investor who sees that their investment accounts are lower than they’d hoped and panics into making unwise or ill-advised choices to salvage their retirement plans. The other is the laid back investor who either doesn’t know or simply does not care about saving/investing for retirement until some crisis forces them to react with an ill-advised choice.

2. Your Time Horizon

Do you have a 50-year time horizon or a 30-year time horizon? The difference between the two has significant implications for the types of investments you should pursue. For example, a typical 30-year-old would probably be more interested in investing in low volatility assets like bonds, which offer lower returns but provide greater certainty about money being available when needed. A 50-year old might be more interested in pursuing higher returns but also greater diversification and risk.

3. Your Risk Profile/Risk Tolerance

Different people have different levels of risk tolerance, which is why it’s important to look at not just your age but your level of emotional stability (and basic temperament). For example, a 35-year-old may be able to handle higher risk investments in the form of equities like stocks, while someone at age 55 may not. Furthermore, some people prefer to invest with only 100% of their portfolio exposed to the stock market while others place more emphasis on bonds as a hedge against stock market volatility.

4. Have you taken steps to protect your assets?

Depending on your goals and risk tolerance, you may want to consider some level of protection for your assets. For example, if you are invested in an index fund that tracks the S&P 500 (SPY), you might consider either making additional contributions or converting those holdings into a self-directed IRA.

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5. If you haven’t already done so, now is a good time to consider making your first Roth IRA contribution.

Roth IRAs are more flexible than traditional IRAs because you can withdraw your contributions (but not earnings) at any point with no penalty. If you’ve never contributed to a Roth IRA and want to take advantage of them, now is the time . Furthermore, if you’re older than 50 and have never contributed to an IRA in the past, then you can make an annual contribution of up to $6K per year ($7K if you’re older than 50).

6. Continue to invest regularly.

Regular investing will reduce your potential losses and allow you to preserve and grow your principal. To achieve this goal, you should invest at least 10 percent of your after-tax income (after the deduction for employer provided retirement benefits). You don’t need to be a professional financial planner, but you do need an understanding of how compound interest works as well as how investments work. A good starting place is our blog post on the six rules of investing . Seriously though, if you feel like you’re being watched by some evil entity that is bent on destroying your wealth, I highly recommend reading How I Stopped Worrying and Learned To Love the Stock Market , by Burton Malkiel.

7. Consider online investing.

There are many online offerings that allow you to invest small amounts of money with much lower fees than traditional investment providers or even less-than-honest brokers. Check out places like Vanguard, Schwab and Fidelity for more information.

8. Create a “Go Fund Yourself” page to crowdsource your investments, especially if you have a business or are working on a new entrepreneurial venture.

As an entrepreneur, I know how hard it can be to cover the cost of everything from insurance and health care to office supplies and printer ink. Crowdfunding allows you to involve your friends and family in supporting your dream, when they might not otherwise have the means to do so.


Investing is a skill that I think most people could benefit from learning. Just like anything else, it’s something that can be done well or poorly — with poor choices and lack of discipline costing you years to recover. Hopefully this article helps you to develop a more effective investing strategy based on your goals and risk tolerance, as well as what you’re willing to invest in.

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