Think you know all about animals? Think again.

We’ve compiled the top eight animal secrets that you never knew, putting them in one place where they can’t escape, like a video of giraffe lifting boy in the air. Check them out today and amaze your friends with your newfound knowledge!

1) Jellyfish

Jellyfish, “not exactly the most appealing creatures on the planet,” are actually capable of immense intelligence, not to mention astonishing speed and strength. They can release poison that “will rapidly dissolve any object from which it has been secreted and may even dissolve a human body within seconds. The number of bones in a jellyfish’s body has never been counted before, but studies have shown that there are over 624 tentacles spread across its whole spine.  Some of these tentacles can be up to 1 meter (3 ft) long!  This means that there are over 100 million cells on each tentacle and over 20 eyespots which act as an excellent finding system for prey. 

2) Frog

You probably already know that frogs eat flies, but did you know that a large frog can eat up to 3000 flies a day?  That’s quite the diet!  The frogs catch the flies with their tongues and then swallow them whole. However, this is only possible because of their very strong muscles. As they swallow, they have to contract their muscles so that they have enough room to push the food down and not choke on it.

3) Gorilla

Gorilla’s are able to jump heights of nearly 8 meters (26 ft).  Also, their knees bend in a very strange way. They use this strange knee bend to allow them to jump so high, but also allows them to be able to pick up objects without bending down. Gorillas spend most of their time sitting around and just playing with each other.  This type of behavior is called “canopy” and protects them from predators.  This doesn’t mean that they don’t chase each other, though. One group of gorillas have been known to chase another group up the nearest tree, trying to knock them out with their powerful hands.

4) Seagulls

You probably know that seagulls are scavengers.  They will eat pretty much anything. When a seagull flies into your eye, there are two chances for it to survive –

a) You can remove it by blinking. If you don’t blink in time you will lose sight of your target for about one minute. 

b) You can kill the seagull by putting something in the eye and crushing the eyeballs inside its head. If you did this to a human, you would be in big trouble. This is what happens when you squash the seagull’s eye.

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5) Ants

If an ant dies, it will often eat its own body. This is because ants move around so quickly that they only have seconds to find somewhere that is safe from a predator before they are picked off by someone else.  This means that if an ant loses too many of its limbs, it can devour itself.  It then grows back legs of the same size and other new parts (such as the wings, legs and antennae) on the same spot where those were lost.

6) Giraffes

Giraffes can reach up to 2 meters (6.5 ft) in height. Their skin is very similar to human skin.  They have the same fatty tissue, hair and sweat glands that we have.  However, this doesn’t mean that they sweat like us. Did you know that giraffes can’t see in color?  This is because they only have three different color receptors in the eye. These are called red, blue and green.  When giraffes are walking, they walk with their necks slightly bent and their heads down to avoid the sun from blinding them.

7) Blue Hut

The Blue Hut is a popular attraction among tourists in the Alps.  It is the height of three floors and has a floor space of 477 square meters (5,100 sq ft). A blue hut was made by an orangutan family in the African jungle.  The hut was for sleeping at night, as this species is nocturnal (active during the night). The hut was made of mud and leaves.  They used camouflage to make themselves look like a rock during the day, so they didn’t have to move around much.

8) Flies

You know that flies buzz around your head when you have an itch, and they are hard to catch?That’s because they’re incredibly fast!  They’re so quick that when you try to swat them, they’re already on the other side of your hand. If you have ever caught a fly in your hand, then you know that flies do not have any bones at all. Their bodies are made of mostly empty spaces called “trachea”.


Isn’t it fun to learn something new?  These are just some of the animals that you never knew about.  That’s why we decided to make this article. We hope you enjoyed it and learned a few things that you didn’t know before!

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