What is With a Crunch Word Whizzle?

With a Crunch Word Whizzle is an online vocabulary game. We crunch words in under 10 minutes and ask you to do the same, on your own time. We have over 120 levels for you to play alone or with friends, or even the entire world! You will also be able to track your progress against other players and your friends. It’s a game of speed and word knowledge, so get ready!

How do I play?

If you are playing by yourself, hit “Play” on the home screen. Here you can choose to play with 3, 5 or 7 words per level. If you are playing with your friends and family, click the word link at the top of the screen and get the party started! See all of our Friends in the Crunch menu! Each player types a word into their box that fulfills that level’s criteria. Once they have finished (or are kicked out of) that round, they move onto another game, then come back to see how everyone else did. You can participate as many times as you like but only your highest score for each level will count towards leaderboard tracking.

Are there other ways to play?

Yes! We have expanded our “Crunch” functionality, so you can now choose to create a new word from scratch or use an existing word (either your buddy’s or your own). You can also trade words with others, read about the interesting people who are playing, and even see what the rest of the world thinks about you. There’s a lot more fun stuff to do here!

What do I need to play?

You need either a web browser that supports HTML 5 (pretty much any system today will), or a compatible smartphone (iPhone, Android) and push notification. We recommend that you not use the mobile website if you plan on playing while on a public computer.

How is my word in the game?

We use the dictionary provided by Dictionary.com. If a word is not in the dictionary, it won’t be in our game.

Can I play this game on my computer?

Yes! Visit our website at: http://www.withacrunchwordwhizzle.com/. If you do not have a smartphone or do not want push notifications, you can play right here as well! You can also post your scores on Facebook, just like on mobile devices!

What happens if I lose?

If you lose a round, you will be out for that round and your best score for that round cannot count towards leaderboard tracking. We want to keep playing!

What happens if I win?

When you win, you will be able to see your score at the top of the screen, then submit it for leaderboard tracking. You can also view the scores for all of your friends. As well as showing up on our leaderboards, your score will show up on our social media channels and our homepage. You can find out what the world thinks about you by reading the comments on our splash page!

Who is running this site?

With a Crunch is run by James Connolly, a software developer from New York City who loves to play games and make new ones. You can follow him on Twitter @jconnolly.

Can I be featured?

Yes! If you want to be featured on our homepage and see what the world thinks of your word, please email [email protected] with a link to your bio explaining why your word is awesome. We will post the most interesting ones!

We have also added a new feature: 

LEADERBOARD CHALLENGES! We will be posting leaderboard challenges every week and we want you to take part. It couldn’t be easier: if you are ranked at or above #1 on the leaderboard, we will send you an email with the challenge. You have all week to complete it, then post your score in the comments on our Facebook page. If you manage to complete the challenge, we will move your name up on our homepage! We hope you are as excited about this as we are!


– crush your friends

– see how you rank against the world

– try not to cry when you lose a round.

– you have 120 levels to play.


– you have no friends.

– there is no word in the English language that has more than one ‘Z in a row.

– you will be alone for a very long time.

– you have no friends.

– you are a mathematician and know that any number + infinity = infinity. 0 + infinity = 0 by definition. If the number of words is infinite, any score is zero when compared to an infinite amount. This means your friends (and strangers) will never get to 100% on each level, so they should just give up now and leave you to win. You will eventually find that you have won all 120 levels, so you may as well win the entire game by gaining 100% on all levels, then add another letter to show infinite %.

– because there are an infinite number of words in With a Crunch Word Whizzle and only 10 minutes to play each level, no matter what word you use, it will never be the best word and your score will never beat any other players’. If there is no best word, then your score means nothing.

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