Wallpapers are the perfect way to add personality to your living space. Wallpapers are an opportunity for you to express yourself, and they can transform any room into a home. Leoteo store retailer rating is the first web page that is devoted entirely to sell wallpapers. Wallpapers have been used for centuries in homes, offices, restaurants and hotels. As time passes it becomes more challenging to find new artwork that is not just great looking but also trendy. Customers consistently tell us that wallpaper is the most vital decorating element in their homes. If you want to learn more about the history of wallpaper, check out these ten fascinating facts you never knew about this ever-present wall design.

Ten Facts You Never Knew About Wallpapers :

1. Wallpapers were considered contraband until 1800.

In 1555 the influence of European culture was felt during the Japanese rule of Japan. At this time, white paper became a luxury item that was difficult to procure in Japan. In order to secure more supplies, many merchants resorted to some creative methods such as telling their buyers that they were making religious paintings on paper. 

The buyers were so impressed by this explanation that they managed to get hold of all the supplies in the country of their manufacture, China. These supplies were then smuggled into Japan to be sold in secret. When the supply of paper finally ran dry, people were desperate to obtain new supplies. 

2. Wallpapers were designed with royalty in mind.

The wallpaper industry started in 1665, during the reign of King Charles II of England. This king was a great patron of the arts and encouraged the establishment of laws to protect trade. A decade after his accession, the first known printed wallpaper was imported from France. Since then, many styles of wallpaper have been created and this has often led to competitions between artists and designers.

3. Wallpapers are a history lesson in themselves.

The history of wallpaper is very different from the more common story of cotton and wool in that they were used as a form of currency. Before the advent of paper money, people had to use other means such as shells or glass beads to exchange their goods. In 1686, Charles II issued a proclamation stating that any object used for exchange could be used in place of money, this included both paper and fabric products.

4. Wallpapers were designed before the invention of computers.

The first printed pieces of wallpaper were created in 1665, before the invention of computers. The printing process itself took several days which made it difficult to create enough sheets at one time. Since this was a relatively new idea the paper mills were not up to speed, so they needed to manufacture several additional types and colors at one time to meet with demand.

5. Wallpapers were developed to stop unsanitary conditions in the textile industry.

During the late 1600s, a major problem was known as bleeding. This was a physical condition that resulted from fibers shed by cotton and wool cloth during washing or when fabric was used for padding on the floor for instance. Since there weren’t enough skilled workers to keep up with demand, people started using paper products to substitute plush items like cushions and mattresses. These paper products were also used to cover the wooden boards as a protection for the textiles.

6. Wallpapers were often used in conjunction with furniture.

During the late 1600s, French and German engineers began to experiment with different designs that could be made from paper and fabric. These papers were similar to those of an embroidery design but they were much more affordable and easy to wash than those of an embroidery pattern. 

7. Wallpaper was an effective way to stop the spread of disease.

Throughout history, many people helped redesign the spaces we live in. In the early 1800s, a doctor named John Phillimore began working on wallpaper that would help stop the spread of diseases like cholera and typhoid. Dr Phillimore knew that changing wallpaper would be difficult for all those people who had rented their homes, so he decided to create wallpaper with a lower density that could be easily replaced by landlords and property owners who wanted to keep their homes clean.

8. Wallpaper can be used to pay your rent in many countries.

The first known building to use wallpaper was the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, England. This palace was built in 1786, and it is made from multicolored painted panels that are decorated with gold leaf, expensive floor coverings of marble and expensive paintings as well as shaggy materials for ceilings and rugs. His new home was also decorated in red flock wallpaper and this helped him to pay for his cost of living.

9. Wallpaper can be used to create different colors.

The first original color that was developed for wallpaper was white. This was used to ensure that it would be easy to wipe clean and remove any stains from carpet or furniture so that the next person who rented the property could have a good time there without worrying about getting sick from unsanitary conditions. 

10. Wallpaper is often used to promote different ideologies.

The first printed pieces of wall paper were painted with political messages for the purpose of marketing different ideologies. During the 1820s and 1830s, the wallpaper company named Caille & Fils in Paris became very successful by making use of the power of design to convey political and cultural messages that they wanted to promote. For example, their designs seemed to represent an ideal meritocracy where artists took on jobs such as painters or sculptors despite not being famous. 

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