Community gardening and urban farming are on the rise. These types of gardening activities offer people a chance for organic food production, healthy recreation, and improved quality of life. Urban gardening is especially gaining popularity in cities which have the highest rates of diet-related diseases like diabetes and obesity. 

Community gardens provide a great way to get involved in your community and foster environmentally sustainable practices by cultivating fresh food while you learn new skills such as composting and raising

When it comes to community gardening and urban farming, you will find all types of people looking to get involved. You can find gardeners from every walk of life from office workers who can’t afford home gardening to retired folks whose homes no longer have gardens, neglected property or even abandoned lots. 

You can even find people with support groups for people who garden for mental health purposes and those who want to help make their neighborhood a greener place. The members of community gardens make it a point not to discriminate against anyone with regards to abilities or physical disabilities. However, the general rule is that you should be able to garden comfortably and easily.

Community gardening / urban farming :

1. Promotes sustainable gardening practices :

Community gardening and urban farming is all about sustainability. It is the best way to achieve sustainable gardening practices by raising your own food. There are many reasons for adopting sustainable gardening techniques, but the most pressing reason is the desire to have healthier families and communities. 

Many of us are guilty of living in a fast paced environment where we get our hands on chemical ridden foods without knowing it or even realizing it. When you try growing your own fresh organic produce, you will notice a difference in your health and you might even lose some weight. This happens because vegetables and fruits reduce obesity risks by lowering cancer risk and improving heart health.

2. Raises awareness :

Community gardening is one of the best ways to raise awareness about gardening and organic farming in particular. You can participate in community gardening activities with your children who will be growing up knowing what a healthy organic diet really means. 

There are lots of other benefits that naturally grow when you plant your own produce, such as learning to respect nature and animals, creating a sense of belonging, and strengthening friendships. You can also connect with local farmers to learn how they farm organically.

3. Builds community :

A great resource for those who want to engage in community gardening or urban farming is the Community Gardening email list . Here, you can get involved with people who have similar interests such as growing vegetables and fruits. 

You can host events to promote community development and also to connect people in your community. Existing food coops and other centers for meetings and classes are great places to find support or start your own community garden.

4. Reduces crime rates :

In addition to teaching kids about environmental sustainability, gardens make great antidotes to crimes like vandalism by youths hanging around in high crime areas. When the kids are busy either working or playing in the garden, it keeps them off the streets and out of trouble.

5. Strengthens communities :

Community gardens and urban farming provide a great way to build strong, healthy and sustainable communities. The numbers say it all…decades of research has shown that raising your own food on your own property encourages longevity, reduces personal healthcare costs and improves overall health in the community.

 With these benefits in mind, you should consider joining an existing community garden or setting up your own one. It is also a great way to help provide fresh produce for food banks and institutions that are working to reduce hunger like schools, hospitals, and homeless shelters.

6 . Makes social workers happy :

Social workers today use community gardens and urban farming techniques to teach kids life skills and collective work ethics, which can help them become more responsible adults. Community gardens and urban farming have been used in prison rehabilitation programs to help inmates learn teamwork, responsibility and leadership skills. 

When the inmates are released, they will have a new found respect for society and they will be able to contribute positively to their community. In fact, in some urban neighborhoods, community gardening is the most successful way of making a living or supplementing income. You get to learn how to grow vegetables from seedlings all the way up to harvest. You get to harvest your own crops and earn money from selling some of your produce.

7 . Helps you connect with nature :

Community gardening and urban farming is a good way to experience nature first hand. This is especially true for those who live in cities. You get a chance to observe how plants grow and how animals live. Community gardening allows you to enjoy time outdoors while getting healthy exercise, which helps lower the risks of cancer, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. 

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