Wagering online is one of the best forms of entertainment these days, that’s why it is so popular. More people realized its beauty in 1994 when the first online casino was introduced by Microgaming software from the Man of Isle to private casinos. Its popularity is unstoppable until the present. 

Nowadays it is a lot more fun because it comes in different forms whichever the player wishes. Some players don’t mind filling up the registration form and providing numerous valid IDs to the site before they can make a deposit. Some players do mind it especially if they are impatient because of their busy schedule and want to wager immediately. The good news is the majority of the online casinos do have this type of program and one of them is Pay n Play.

What is Pay n Play?

It is a platform introduced by Trustly, a leading banking payment method developed by a Swedish Fintech company. Pay n Play was created for all online gamblers who prefer a more flexible and faster way of signing up using the BankID. 

One of the best deals with this account is that it offers KYC or Know Your Customer. KYC is a law that has been part of the Patriotic Act introduced by the United States. It is mandatory to avoid theft and has been practiced by other countries. Pay n Play follows this law which means the player can keep their account without using their BankID.

The most exciting part here is Kasinohai from Finland recently announced that they are offering Pay n play casino to their customers. Kasinohai is a prestigious casino site and they constantly offer new online casinos with state of the art graphics and designs plus hard to resist bonuses and benefits. If you’re interested feel free to visit the casino site for a truly memorable online casino experience.

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Models of Pay n Play

Pay n Play is available in two models- the Hybrid and the Pure. 

Players have to log in to their bank using Trustly if they want to make a withdrawal and ask for requirements to make a withdrawal if logged out accidentally after winning.  

How do I get Bank Id?

A Bank ID is an electronic identification system supplied by the bank once they open an account all over Europe. It is used by the bank to verify the account of the user as well as business transactions. On an online casino’s end, they use the BankID for bank transactions such as withdrawal and deposits and a key for the site to know the player’s personal information. 

Countries that offer Pay n Play Casinos

There are around 29 countries that offer Pay n Play and the majority are in Europe. Known countries using Pay n Play are the following:

General Summary of Pay n Play

  1. It offers faster money transactions
  2. Both deposit and withdrawals take only a few minutes, 5 minutes to be exact to complete the transaction. 
  1. There’s no need for the player to provide personal information for safety purposes. It also saves time and energy.
  3. It is gadget-friendly

Final Insight:

Pay n Play has a lot of advantages but the player has to be aware of two things. First, they have to know more about the two models of Pay n Play before they cross the Rubicon. The second one is they have to be aware that this is not always available in all countries. Its availability is limited for now. 

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