There are many theories on personality in psychology. The two most prominent ones are probably Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and Jung’s structural theory. Of course there are more, but let’s focus on these two theories today.

Both Freud and Jung published research related to the psychology of personality, but they reached different conclusions about what a person is made up of. For Freud, a person is composed of independent traits which would eventually turn into neuroses if one trait couldn’t become dominant or “normally inhibited” by other traits to balance it out. Jung believed that a person’s psyche is composed of several different parts, called ‘functions’, which would all work together to make a whole person.

Which theorist published research related to the psychology of personality?

1. Jung : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of psychoanalytic theory. He had several breakthroughs with his research, including the first use of hypnosis to treat mental disorders. He also developed the theory that personality is made up of different parts or traits which interact with each other to make up a whole person.

2. Freud : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of psychoanalytic theory. He had several breakthroughs with his research, including discovering that early experiences can influence personality traits when they aren’t completely forgotten by adulthood.

 He also developed the theory that personality is made up of independent traits that compete with each other and one can become dominant at any given time, which would become a neurosis if it can’t be balanced out by the other traits.

3. Loevinger : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of psychoanalytic theory. She had several breakthroughs with her research, including being the first to recognize that personality traits are not fixed in adulthood but can change. She also developed the theory that personality is made up of different parts or traits which interact with each other to make up a whole person.

4. Ainsworth : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of psychoanalytic theory. She had several breakthroughs with her research, including discovering that early experiences can influence personality traits when they aren’t completely forgotten by adulthood. 

She also developed the theory that personality is made up of independent traits that compete with each other and one can become dominant at any given time, which would become a neurosis if it can’t be balanced out by the other traits.

5. Erikson : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of psychoanalytic theory. He had several breakthroughs in his research, including being the first to recognize that personality traits are not fixed in adulthood but can change. He also developed the theory that personality is made up of different parts or traits which interact with each other to make up a whole person.

6. Maslow : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of psychoanalytic theory. He had several breakthroughs with his research, including discovering that early experiences can influence personality traits when they aren’t completely forgotten by adulthood. 

He also developed the theory that personality is made up of independent traits that compete with each other and one can become dominant at any given time, which would become a neurosis if it can’t be balanced out by the other traits.

7. Rogers : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of psychoanalytic theory. He had several breakthroughs with his research, including discovering that early experiences can influence personality traits when they aren’t completely forgotten by adulthood. 

He also developed the theory that personality is made up of independent traits that compete with each other and one can become dominant at any given time, which would become a neurosis if it can’t be balanced out by the other traits.

8. Bandura : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of social learning theory. He had several breakthroughs with his research, including discovering that young people’s social environment can influence their personality and behavior.

9. Eysenck : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of psychometric theory. He had several breakthroughs with his research, including discovering that personality traits are not fixed in adulthood but can change. He also developed the theory that personality is made up of different parts or traits which interact with each other to make up a whole person.

10. Allport : 

One of the most prominent psychologists in history, and a pioneer of personality psychology. He had several breakthroughs with his research, including discovering that personality traits are not fixed in adulthood but can change. He also developed the theory that personality is made up of independent traits that compete with each other and one can become dominant at any given time, which would become a neurosis if it can’t be balanced out by the other traits.

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