If you are unable to view demographic and interest reports with your search, there are likely a few settings that may need to be changed. Here is what you need to do.

-In the Admin menu, go to Configuration > Dashboard > General. Change “Allow Results for Demographics and Interests” to Yes.

-In the same configuration menu, change “Required Expires After” to 0 Days so your reports will not be deleted when they expire.

What setting must be enabled to view data in demographics and interests reports?

1. In the Admin menu-

Go to Configuration > Dashboard > General. Change “Allow Results for Demographics and Interests” to Yes.

2. In the same configuration menu-

Change “Required Expires After” to 0 Days so your reports will not be deleted when they expire. If required settings were not changed in your search, reset your search account by following these steps: 

1) Click “Reset Account” on the upper right corner of any results page; 

2) Delete all data files by selecting them and clicking Delete; 

3) Restart your search with a new account from our website’s help center.

3. In your search-

The “Demographics and Interests” report is only available for full (non-free) Overture accounts. If you purchased a full account from us, then this should not be an issue. If you want to see demographics and interests data for a limited account, you will need to upgrade your account by following these steps: 

1) Click on your username in the upper right corner of any results page; 

2) Click on “Upgrade Account” at the bottom of the drop down menu; 

3) Choose a plan that includes demographics and interests data. You can choose a free or paid version.

Note: Demographics and interests data is only available for paid accounts. Free accounts cannot have this data added.

How long do my demographic and interest reports stay in my account? 

Demographic and interest reports expire in 28 days, but once a report has expired it can still be viewed from the “Reports” link at the top of any results page.

How do I open an account?

The first step to creating an account is to purchase it directly from us on our website.

After submitting your payment, the next step is to fill out a brief application form. You can either email this application form to your administrator or send it to us through postal mail. If you choose to send this via postal mail then please make sure that the application form is pre-addressed with your name and email address and/or post office box address (so we can respond). 

Once we’ve received and processed this application, we’ll contact you for payment of a one-time annual fee (this fee does not apply if you choose a paid plan).

Once we have received and processed your application and payment, we’ll send you an email letting you know that your account has been created. That email may include a link to “preview” your account which will give you a look at what data is available for the demographic and interest reports linked to that account.

Once you’ve reviewed the data available and decided to purchase a plan, you can create a new account by following these steps:

1) Go to the Control Panel > Dashboard > Search. 

2) Click on “Add Account” at the top of any results page. 

3) Choose an account plan from the drop down menu. You can choose a free or paid version.

4) Fill out the application form. If you choose to send this via postal mail then please make sure that the application form is pre-addressed with your name and email address and/or post office box address (so we can respond). 

5) Once we’ve received and processed your application and payment, we’ll send you an email letting you know that your account has been created. That email may include a link to “preview” your account which will give you a look at what data is available for the demographic and interest reports linked to that account.

How do I add or remove data? 

To add data to a report linked in your search, go to the Control Panel > Demographics > Add Data. To delete data from a report linked in your search, go to the Control Panel > Demographics > Edit Data.

How do I change the order of the report? 

To change the order of the report, click on the “Reset” link in the Control Panel > Demographics. This will reset all data categories and you can then drag & drop any that you’d like to appear at a different location.

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