Cloud computing has been the innovative answer to a world of problems that cloud startups are solving alongside with. It is causing a wide-scale shift in how we process data and it is also believed this trend will continue into the future.

What is a challenge for cloud computing that could cause employee performance to decrease?

As the world moves to cloud computing, more and more information about us is being stored in the cloud.

This has raised significant concerns about data privacy and safety. With so much personal information at risk, researchers want to confuse potential hackers by adding decoy facts, making it difficult for them to differentiate between true information and fake facts. 

These decoy facts are called honey trap facts.

However, cloud computing was not without its own set of challenges, especially for employees and managers alike.

 There are some signs that we are in the midst of a cloud revolution before we get to talk about what can be expected next year or five years from now. 

Here are 10 signs:

1. Exponential Growth of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has grown at an exponential rate. According to Gartner, the cloud computing market is expected to grow from $7 billion in 2010 to $147.5 billion in 2015, growing by a compound annual growth rate of 22 percent over the same period.

2. New Job Titles for Cloud Computing

There will be new job titles coming up for employees who work with cloud computing – such as cloud administrator and cloud architect. Employers are hiring more people for these new jobs and there will be a need for them to meet stringent requirements of their role, such as ensuring that the employees’ skills are up-to-date and working experience matches the requirement.

3. Cloud Computing Innovation in Education

Cloud computing is becoming more widely used for education purposes. This can be seen with the increasing adoption of cloud computing in universities and colleges today. 

In fact, cloud computing can be used to support knowledge creation, collaboration, and education among students..

4. Cloud Computing in e-Commerce

Cloud computing is not just a buzzword anymore. It is widely used and adopted by companies.

 A recent survey by Cloud Industry Forum, one of the largest cloud operators in China, showed that the number of companies that have adopted cloud computing has been growing exponentially in the country.

 As more e-commerce companies continue to adopt cloud technology, they start to look for more efficient ways to use it, such as integrating it with their existing systems and using it as a foundation for creating new products and services. 

5. Cloud Computing in Government

Cloud computing has made our lives easier and more flexible through the use of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, which can be powered by cloud technology. 

The same goes for governments around the world as they attempt to create smarter cities. 

Governments are turning to cloud technology to build smarter cities that would have everything from energy systems to sanitation systems that are connected with one another seamlessly and efficiently.

6. Cloud Computing in Health Care

Cloud computing also plays a pivotal role in health care. More specifically, hospitals have adopted cloud computing to help them streamline their service and improve their efficiency.

 It is also used by patients for services like updating prescriptions, checking on doctor’s appointments and more.

7. Cloud Computing in Responsible Sourcing

Increasing consumer awareness of the need for responsible sourcing has changed global sourcing practices dramatically within the last five years alone. 

Nowadays, global sourcing no longer means making the lowest cost possible in a region that provides the most lenient labor laws but rather it means crafting long-term sustainable partnerships with local suppliers that are aligned with corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. 

8. Cloud Computing in the Mobile Age With the Rise of BYOD

The mobile era is here to stay and it has turned into a huge disruption in the way businesses work and function.

 Employees are now using their own devices in their work life; this is called bring your own device (BYOD). 

As organizations realize that they have little control over what happens on users’ personal devices, they have been taking measures to limit access or block certain content altogether.

9. Cloud Computing in Startups, SMEs and MNOs

The cloud is a huge benefit for startups and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). It gives them independence from IT and provides faster services, making it easier for employees to work on projects as well as share ideas, tasks and files with one another. 

Cloud computing is also a huge benefit for mobile network operators (MNOs) as it enables them to reduce their capital outlays and cut their operating costs. 

10. Cloud Computing in Supply Chains

Cloud computing is taking supply chains by storm. Companies need real-time information to remain competitive, and cloud computing can help them achieve this. 

It has also helped companies improve their supply chain management capabilities and shorten lead times by providing more efficient asset utilization and better visibility of inventory movements. 

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