Cloud computing allows users to host and share data, applications, files, and services with other computers on the internet. 

In response to the increased demand for high speed access and high capacity storage required by business data centers, cloud-computing solutions have been developed. 

This type of computing has been fairly successful due to its ability to provide a unified infrastructure where applications can access shared resources from many different locations.

Cloud computing is changing the way computer manufacturers build and market their products and how companies and individuals use, access, and share data. 

Cloud computing has also changed the traditional IT department; many managers view cloud computing as an opportunity to decrease costs.

For example, in the past a company would purchase a high-end server with multiple processors, redundant storage systems (for fault tolerance), and multiple gigabit Ethernet connections. 

Customers usually purchased additional storage by purchasing additional servers or upgrading existing ones. 

Here is the answer for, what is a challenge for cloud computing that could cause employee performance to decrease?

The company would then rely on enterprise software such as Oracle’s middleware to manage users’ applications in addition to adding in-house management software for backing up databases and backing up files.

When companies began moving to cloud computing, they were forced to upgrade their computers using the latest technology. 

Many companies are finding that switching to the cloud actually allows them to save money on software licenses instead of paying for additional storage systems with power requirements. 

Although this is good news for companies, it also means that they are running fewer servers per square foot with fewer employees. 

Therefore, companies must be aware of what resources are being used in order to determine if their current hardware capacity will be sufficient in the future.

You may not know much about cloud computing, but if you work in the 21st century, it’s important to at least have an idea what it is. 

Cloud computing can be seen as anything from your Google Docs, to storage capabilities for your business. It’s hard to define cloud computing for many people because it can be so versatile or generic. 

“The term cloud computing is an umbrella term for a new type of Internet-based computing that delivers all the benefits of computer networks without many of the drawbacks.”

(Cloud Computing 101) You probably think you know what’s included in this, things like word documents and excel spreadsheets, and you’d be right. 

But cloud can also be used for so much more than just these types of files.

Think about those files as just the physical building blocks that make up cloud computing. The word cloud has come to mean something different now then it did before. 

It used to be just a collection of data floating out in space, now it means something greater than that.

Here are 5 Points:-

1. Cloud Computing Is Here To Stay!

A study found that the number of cloud computing users worldwide will grow five hundred percent by 2020, and that number is expected to hit 75 billion users globally by 2017. That’s a lot of people swarming over the network.

2. Cost Savings!

Think about all the resources you’re wasting when you keep your office equipment on your own premises. 

By using cloud computing you can pay for everything through one bill instead of paying separately for each computer or other device in your office, which saves you money in the long run. Another cost savings element is easily keeping up with new technology so you can stay on top of it.

3. The Cloud is More Than Just Files

Cloud computing touches on every part of your business. If it involves information, chances are cloud computing is involved. 

Whether it’s storing data for customers, sharing data between employees or clients, or even if it’s making sure your business is up to date with the latest technology, the cloud will play a role in how you make your money.

4. Cloud Computing Doesn’t Mean You Lose Control

You still have control over the things you store in the cloud by setting policies and terms of use for each of your customers. 

You can also control what information you share with your clients or employees, which will help you conserve resources while still providing the best possible service to your customers.

5. Cloud Computing is Spontaneous!

Because it runs on the Internet, cloud computing is very spontaneous, which means it’s even easier to use. You can start a cloud project at any time and you don’t have to worry about being tied down to one place for your business. 

For example, cloud based services are very helpful when it comes to reacting quickly to any situation that may arise in the business world, whether that be an audit or just a quick glance through your client’s records that need changing.

There you have it, the basics of cloud computing. You should know more than just what it is now, you should also know that it’s here to stay and that it will change how you do business whether you like it or not. 

So if the cloud is something you want to use for your business make sure to look into cloud hosting services because it’s best if you host your cloud services in a cloud hosting company.

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