Make sure the target audience does not grow bored with your ad campaign using the following guidelines. Keep reading to find out what they are!

A report from 2020 shows that nearly 98% of Facebook’s global profit has been generated from advertising services. This number alone is powerful enough to indicate the massive number of ads currently placed on the website. But as more and more businesses choose Facebook ads as their primary marketing approach, digital marketers are left with two critical questions.

As customers are increasingly exposed to ads, ad fatigue is sure to ensue. Is there any way to effectively prevent this from happening in the first place? If not, what should brands do to maintain their campaign’s quality and keep shoppers engaged?

The answers lie in the article below!

What Is Ad Fatigue?

Ad fatigue refers to a situation in which the same ad set is displayed to the same group of buyers for a sustained amount of time. Naturally, when people cannot scroll down on their favorite social media app without looking at identical sponsored content over and over again, they end up associating your brand image with resentment and negativity.

As a result, your target audience is more reluctant to click on the ads. Some because they have already known where such ads lead to. Some because they get fed up with the intense frequency. A drop in your ad’s performance is inevitable. In some extreme cases, customers may choose to report or hide your ads from their feeds entirely. 

Since ad fatigue wreaks havoc on not only the quality of your campaigns but also the overall budget and the brand reputation, it is essential to minimize this unwanted sensation. So check out the suggested solutions and see how effective they could be.

7 Ways To Handle Ad Fatigue & Save Your Facebook Ad Campaign

Create at least two ads in an ad set

A standard Facebook ad structure consists of multiple ad sets. Each ad set differs from one another in terms of the target audience, theme, core message, content, photos, etc. Usually, ad sets are arranged to appear one by one throughout the entire campaign.


Therefore, if you intend on running an ad set for a few weeks, make sure it includes several individual ads. Pick one to serve as the benchmark and create a few variations. Alter the copy and change the visual assistance. Add in a few more details like extensions or call-to-action buttons. Do anything within your power so that the ads do not look 100% identical. If you are short on ideas, visit website for more tips and tricks on ads creation. This practice reduces the percentage of shoppers seeing the same thing repeatedly.

Limit the frequency

The more times your potential buyers are exposed to the paid content, the less profitable your ads become. This is particularly true if your brand does not have a wide target audience. Thus, any experienced marketers would advise against placing an ad to past viewers more than three times. 

Take advantage of Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook allows businesses to pick out an objective for any ad campaign before getting down to the real groundwork. Many are inclined to choose Conversions, which aims at wooing Facebook users into buying whatever products are offered. But to reduce the chance of ad fatigue, you might want to have a look at Reach. This option shows your ad to the largest audience within your budget, which substantially expands the number of ad recipients.


Combine the Reach objective with a frequency cap

When your ad campaign is set to reach as many people as possible, Facebook will present more options on how to best achieve the goal set out. This includes the frequency cap, which controls how often your ads are shown to potential buyers. For example, if you fill in 2 impressions every 7 days, the ad will only appear twice during the whole week. Feel free to make any adjustments suitable for the overall campaign.

Create informative content

Customers tend to be more off-putting when presented with purely commercial ad copy. So why not offer them something beneficial? If your advertised product is air fryers, write an article about the health risks of deep-frying food and how non-oiled dishes are better for the diet. If you want to attract more students registering for an IELTS learning course, show a list of colleges that require a minimum IELTS band to get admitted. 

Focus on making your ads helpful with blogs, tutorials, guidelines, and anything related to your service. Shoppers will definitely be much more tolerant when digital marketers stop shoving products at their face and instead present a nice bonus alongside. 

Cater your ads based on different ad placements

In most cases, ads are either displayed on the desktop or mobile devices. This limits the number of users being exposed to certain sponsored content. You can mix things up by putting mobile ads on the desktop and vice versa. This way, your ads have a higher chance of reaching more users. 

Optimize the target audience

While all businesses need to retarget at some points, refinding their audience and leaving out past buyers is preferable when dealing with ad fatigue. You can exclude those already taking action at least twice on your ads using Facebook pixels. 

On the interface, upload a customized list of people who engaged with your content in the past, whether they liked, shared, or commented on anything. Then, insert the list into Power Editor and let the engine remove your chosen data. Ta-da, your ads will now appear on the feeds of people who have yet to interact with them.


Ad fatigue may cause significant harm to your business, but it is not entirely unavoidable. If you want to know more about Facebook ads optimization and how to avoid repetitive placement, visit right away. Here, professionals in the field are more than willing to design a high-performance campaign and make sure your investment brings back revenue!

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