Many CPAs plunge themselves into the course after only a little research, only to find out that it does not fit their lifestyle. Make sure you are doing your homework and not overspending before enrolling in any program. Let’s take a look at 15 FAQs about CPA review courses to get you started on the right foot!

1. How Long Do I Have to Prepare for the CPA Exam?

The typical study schedule for most people who can devote full-time study is four months. Some people can juggle family, work, school, and professional obligations and study less. For some, it may take longer than four months. You need to spend at least 15 hours a week. Some people will want to do more, which is fine if you have the time and effort in this aspect of your life. The objective is to finish at least one month (two weeks) ahead of the exam date to gain some time for studying during the review period.

2. What is the Cost of CPA Review Courses?

You would be surprised by how much CPA review courses can cost and cpa review course discounts you can get. The average price for one time is about $7,500 (or even higher), and most people will want to take at least one CPA review course every year. Some states offer free courses, like New York; however, there are also local training programs offered by various accounting firms that have their free courses. There is no formula as to how much you should spend; it can vary based on your needs and how much time you devote to the project. It is highly recommended that you make a list of all the courses in your area before spending any amount of money.

3. Will CPA Review Courses Work for Me?

The more time you devote to study, regardless of which course you choose, the better your odds will be. Many courses don’t work for everyone, and it’s a trial and error process in finding which one is right for you. However, the more time you devote to it, the higher your chances of success will be. If you make it a priority in your life, it will happen. The sooner you start studying for the exam, the better chance and less stress you’ll have during your review period.

4. Can I Use a CPA Review Course to Study Fully for my Exam?

Yes. If you have taken a course before and it was right for you, there is no reason it won’t work this time around. You can even use a free course if there is one available in your area. The key is to keep the rules to get the greatest possible benefits from the course.

5. How Will a CPA Review Course Affect my Job?

There is always a concern about what your employer will think if you decide to leave for a couple of months to study for the exam. You can always use your training as an extra part of your benefits package, making it clear that you’ll be well-trained and able to help the company in various ways, including saving their money or improving the productivity of team members. You should make sure you let your boss know that you are taking classes so that they are aware of your progress. Ultimately, their opinions will be the same no matter what, whether you are a part of the company or not.

6. How Many Times Can I Attend the CPA Exam?

CPAs can retest after 18 months. Before 18 months, it will cost more money to retake it. You can also take the exam in a different state if you work somewhere else. However, this may involve retesting every other state that you want to gain membership in.

7. How Long Does it Take to Crack the CPA Exam?

Typically, it takes four months of study time. However, some candidates will need less time, and others may need longer, but it is important to remember that you are responsible for your success. It is possible to make it in less time but to do that, you have to dedicate a lot of your time and efforts to the project. You need to be motivated and see the CPA exam as a goal, not as a chore.

8. Do I Need a Degree or Education to Do Well on the CPA Exam?

It helps. You need an education in accounting and some experience working with numbers to do well on the exam. If you have a degree in accounting, then you are more likely to do better on the exam. However, if you have a different background and feel that your education is enough for the exam, go for it.

9. Do I have to Pass all the CPA Exam Subjects in One Course?

The answer is yes if you are trying for a state or national exam. If you are aiming for a certification from the AICPA, you need to go through all the subjects over one year. This is why it is important to start studying early and making progress every week. This is also why you need to review the subjects you did not pass during your past exam. It is important to develop a daily routine so that you can achieve your goal.

10. Do I Need a Professional CPA Review Course or Will an Exam Prep Course Work for Me?

The answer is both. Each type, of course, has its pros and cons. The professional review courses are typically more expensive, but they were made by the same people who made the exam, and their program is designed for people who want to become CPAs. The course is made to be as efficient as possible, and it is typically easiest for people who used the program before (or if they are using a similar program). The exam prep courses are cheaper, and they do not contain any information on regulations; however, they have more information about the different types of tax questions. Their goal is to get you prepared for any question that might pop up on the exam. The key is to choose a convenient option in terms of price and learning style. You also need to decide how much time you have to devote to the exam to choosing a course accordingly.

11. How Can I Make Sure the CPA Review Course I Choose is Right for Me?

It all starts with research. You should visit a few websites, read their reviews, and decide which ones seem the most trustworthy. The next step is to see if there are free courses available in your area. You can also look at similar courses that have been designed in the past. You should not take any review course until you have read the material and are completely satisfied that it is right for you. The materials in the review course will be useful for your next exam, so choose wisely.

12. How do I get paid for CPA Exam Prep?

You get paid once you pass the exam and earn a certificate of completion. You will also be eligible for a bonus once you pass the exam, determined by your success rate. Some sites offer bonuses if you are ranked number one or two in your region. That means that if you do better on the exam than the people who have taken it before you, you can earn some money.

13. What Average Salary can I Expect to Earn as a CPA?

That depends on where you live and what kind of job you want. For example, if you want to open your firm, you will have to pay for office space, which will take time before your business starts earning money. However, other jobs don’t require space and software programs that can be purchased or upgraded. You need to find a job that works for you and see how much money you can make.

14. How Can I Earn Money with My CPA License?

The best way to earn money with your CPA license is to open your accounting firm or become an independent contractor who works from a home office. There are also tax preparation jobs available if you want to work in an office. The best thing to do is to look for opportunities where you can keep most of your money. That means that you should try to avoid working for companies that are going public.

15. What Kind of Jobs Can Someone with a CPA License get?

There are many different jobs available for people who hold this type of license. As long as you can meet the requirements, there are many jobs available to choose from. The best jobs are most likely to be found in your region, so you need to speak with people who work at the companies where you want to get a job. This will help make sure that the job is right for you.


CPA exam prep can be a very stressful process. However, it is important to remember that it is a rewarding process as well. The experience will teach you about the profession and yourself and about working as part of a team. This makes the process worth it in the end.

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