Qualitative data is generally considered crucial because of its usage as the sole data source while building out a strategy. A procedure focusing more on qualitative keyword data opens up new doors of opportunities and insights. However, it is very difficult to get tools that are 100% accurate and comprehensive. But it can be beneficial once you get a tool that shows completely accurate results.

How to Find Qualitative Keyword Data?

Albeit it is difficult to rely on the numbers completely, it can even get marked as an opportunity. Following are the few approaches that were proven to be useful:

There are certain things that you need to take care of; the idea that keywords appear via this method means they get searched thoroughly. You can even generate a lot of clicks from keywords that have no recognized search volume on standard SEO tools.

Limitations of Search Volume Data

There are certain limitations associated with your search volume data. But that is possible to overcome with tools like Google Keyword Planner. Below are some of the points on how all SEO tools is in part reliant on this tool:

How to Combine Quantitative with Qualitative Data?

It is not necessary to rely on search volume data, but remember that it renders a beneficial guide of the most searched keywords in your space. You can even combine niche and high-volume targeted terms for long-term success.

It is better to ensure that the key pages on your website are capable of tackling the highest searched terms in your surroundings. However, make sure you also supplement this with your content so that it addresses the rich and varied data you acquire from a more qualitative approach. Qualitative keyword research will enable you to understand the size of your audience’s concerns and interests better.


Hence, these are some significance of qualitative keyword data that can help you to understand the difference and results more briefly. You can follow the results and make suitable changes that will prove to be beneficial for your site in the looming days.

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