If you think setting up a new house is tough, you must not have tried setting up a new office. Setting up a new office can be a disaster if you don’t plan it thoroughly. But there’s a solution. All you need is a checklist, which will contain all the things you need to take care of while starting a new office. 

Here we have a detailed checklist for the things you need to do or buy while setting up a new office. The list contains everything from the employee IDs to the office furniture. So, let’s dive in.

1. Layout

Before getting your office furniture, first, create a layout of your new office. Understand the needs of the workplace and divide the floor area for various sections of the workplace such as:

You can also divide the layout according to the departments, such as- 

2. Furnishing the office

Once you have the layout or blueprint, it’s time to furnish your office. Create a list of furnishing items that your business will need for smooth operations. 

If you want to increase the productivity of your workplace, you should give a chance to ergonomic furniture. Here are some of the everyday furniture items you need at the office-

3. Access Control

Access control is the central control of who has the right to come and go from your office. It is crucial in various business processes such as security, payrolls, attendance, etc. Every employee has a special card which needs to be swiped in the machine to enter the office, which is also connected to the administration department for attendance and payroll process.

4. Communication

You need to set up the various communication channels for your new office, such as-

5. Office Equipment

Electric equipment have made our lives simpler and faster. Here are some of the equipement you’ll need in your office.-

6. Stationary 

Stationary is one of the most important part of any office. There are two types of stationary and office supplies-

7. Security

Security is an important aspect for an office. Here are some of the component of security in office-

8. Additional Areas

An ideal workplace looks after the needs of its employees. These small things improve the productivity of the workplace.

Apart from the above areas of your office, there should be additional areas like- 

This is a short yet detailed checklist for all the things you needed to set ,up a new office. Always be in lookout for best deals for buying anything for your office, from stationary to office furniture. All the best.

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