Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential digital marketing strategy used by most of the businesses. The purpose of embedding SEO in digital marketing strategy is to improve online business visibility, engage the existing customer and attract potential-customers.

SEO is becoming a crucial part of digital marketing because thousands of searches are taking place in Google every second. The searches are more often commercial intent to find information about products or services. Google search is the primary source of information and is being widely used across the world.

When SEO is used correctly, a business can rank their website and webpages higher than its competitors in search engine result pages (SERPs). Ranking higher in result page signifies that you are getting more attention than your competitors which increases the number of traffic on your website.

Important elements of SEO


Keywords are an essential aspect of SEO. Well researched keywords should be perfectly placed in the content in order to drive productive result. When using in content, you need to place the keyword in a reader-friendly manner so that your content can get more engagement.

What are keywords? Keywords are the keyphrases that searchers use to find content in search engines like Google. A brand can research keywords to identify which phrases customers are using to find their website and create content targeting those keywords.


Content is what you use to reach and engage audiences. Every business website should have at least one type of content- video content, blog content, infographic, podcasts or e-book to educate the visitors.  You may publish a series of a blog post or convert a blog post into e-books so that the visitors can take the information with them.

Creating a library of content will help Google understand your business website and also engage visitors. Interactive and informative content can help you rank in search engine.


Backlinks are the links that direct visitors from another website to the webpage on your site. Basically, it is a link that point back to your website. Search engine like Google considers backlinks as a significant ranking factor. The more backlinks you get on your site, the higher the chance of ranking.

However, it is vital to get a backlink from a highly authorized website. This signals Google that your site is worthy enough to be rank in the result page.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is the external activities that happen away from your website but in favor of your site. The main motive of off-page SEO is to build backlinks as the quality backlinks to your website from external site tells Google that your site is valuable and high-quality.

The tactics used to build backlinks is by writing a guest post, creating infographics and mentioning influencers in your content.

Reasons to use SEO in digital marketing

Visibility and ranking

One of the most important roles of Search Engine Optimization is to increase visibility which means searchers can easily find your business online. And visibility is also directly related to ranking. The higher you get rank in the result page, it’s more likely that many people will see you and get more clicks to your website.

Website traffic

Another outstanding job of SEO is to increase the number of traffic on the website, which is why it is vital to get rank or at least get visible in the first page of search result. If you wish more people to find your website then you need to practice SEO that will help you rank above your competitors. The more web traffic you generate on your site, higher the chances of getting foot traffic in your business.


Authority is becoming an important aspect of SEO because website visitors care about it. And if visitors are giving important to authority, it’s very obvious that search engines are giving certain weigh too. Establishing authority means, publishing high-quality, relevant and trustworthy content. The more domain authority your site has, the higher it gets rank in result page.

Enhance user experience

Another best part of SEO is that, it improves the user experience in your website. Publishing great content and optimizing your website with on-page SEO can enhance the usability of your site. If visitors spend more time in your site, it tells Google that your site is liked by visitors and your contents are worth to rank higher on result page.

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