Choosing the right software development methodology adds more structure to your software development workflow. Several factors are taken into account when it comes to which methodology to use and how to offer great application development services.

Much of it depends on the size of the project, your target audience, project-specific requirements, the size of your team and their experience, and most of all, project’s deadline.

There are three common types of application development methodologies:

  1. Waterfall
  2. RAD
  3. Agile


In the waterfall application development process, the entire project revolves around the planning and analysis stage. 

The client comes with a list of features and functionalities they want in the app. The project manager is responsible for mapping out there entire project by consulting with his team, of course. The name waterfall implies that once you move down the waterfall, you can’t go back. 

It all starts with designing the architecture and then the construction begins. The project is divided into phases which include initiation, analysis, design, development, testing, and then deployment. One cannot move to step 2 without completing step 1. The phases cannot be overlapped. 

Benefits of Waterfall 

RAD (Rapid Application Development) 

Some Application development services takes a long time than usual to create a final product. Large teams are required to accommodate the requirement of the project. This could raise tension and make the customer unhappy with the end product.

Here, RAD works well. Rapid application development, as the name implies emphasizes the fast development of the app. it’s mostly based on prototypes. The goal is to produce a working version of the app ASAP. The app development team and customer work closely throughout the process. In case requirements of the project change, RAD can easily accommodate it.

The process starts with defining the requirements of the project. But these requirements are set loosely. The key principle of this type of development is there’s permission to change the requirement of the project at any point in time throughout the cycle of the product.

Benefits of RAD


Last but not least is the agile approach for robust application development services. Agile is also a rapid app development methodology. But it follows a time-boxed approach. This strategy involves creating a minimum viable product in a particular period and keep on enhancing its iteration.

The complete development process is divided into sub-modules known as mini-projects. Each sub-module is assigned to an individual team which makes the app development project faster. 

Benefits of Agile 

Summing Up

Which application development services or methodology to use depends on the client largely. The decision is made depending on the scope of the project and multiple other factors. There is no cookie-cutter criteria that could which approach to follow. Take the time to learn more about each method. Sit with the project manager for recommendations and choose the best approach for your app.

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