In March 2020, the coronavirus outbreak pushed organizations to scatter from their physical offices and have unconventional work modes established. Many organizations thought of remote working as a short-term disruption for a couple of months.

But boom, we are now in the whole new year and the remote working is still happening. Considering the situation currently, many organizations have even decided to take remote working continued for a whole year left.

This massive remote experiment worked great for companies as they were able to save expenses in physical offices and also created policies that will make remote working efficient for the employees as well.

While things are going great from afar, the reality of remote working is not as good as it may seem. The mass remote working experiment has given birth to a whole new level of cybersecurity threat. Cybersecurity threats have been prevailing for many years now but the lockdown and the work from home situation have pushed hackers to show their complete potential.

As we all know, during the remote working hours employee tend to become less concerned about company security. However, in these times the hackers become vigilant and perform their best. According to recent updates the cybersecurity threats have been pouring in from different companies. However, cybersecurity is just one of the many challenges that come in the remote working experiment.

Companies have tried gaining the attention of the employees by ending the last year by addressing all the concerns and challenges of remote working but considering the uncertainty, every employee can easily take concerns lightly.It is now the duty of the organization to keep their staff aware of all the challenges of remote working and how to take hold of them.

Here are the following remote working challenges and how to address them:

Do Not Rely on Corporate Network Defense Only

The attack surface for hackers to damage your company has grown since the employees are working from home. Like we said, employees, become less considerate towards the company during remote working. This is also because employees are trained to think that corporation is responsible to store the software and anti-virus in their devices and also keep an eye on them.

While all this used to happen in physical offices, it has become impossible to keep an eye on the functionality of employees during work from home. You need to address and inform your staff that having the software update by the corporation isn’t all. They need to take some responsibility on their own.

For instance, having a secure internet connection in their home to access office portals and doing office work is important. For instance, Spectrum Internet provides affordable high-speed internet service that offers reliable connections to employees working from home. 

Spectrum also provides Spectrum TV Select which is an affordable medium for cable TV entertainment to keep employees entertained during tiring times. 

Lack of Cyber Hygiene

With employees and their devices outside of corporate firewalls, it is the responsibility of the company to keep the staff informed about the importance of cyber hygiene. Make sure you have a training session going on for your staff to let them know what measure they need to take to practice good cyber hygiene.

Your teams should be able to differentiate between genuine emails and fraudulent emails. They should also know how to check whether the email is generated by the organization and which link is clickable and which is not.

Make Room for a Separate Work Station

The coronavirus outbreak and lockdown were too quick for the employees. The employees did not have time to comprehend, let alone prepare for what is coming next. Employees were not able to create a separate workroom or home office for them as they thought that the changed working mode is temporary.

However, now work station is necessary. This is because employees can concentrate on their work more and also keep their devices far from reach of the outsiders.


If you think that your organization is going through a challenging time in terms of remote working and cybersecurity then you need to address concerns with your staff.

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