If you’re curious about how to make the blockchain your friend and not your enemy, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll teach you how to build a decentralized application, set up a cryptocurrency wallet, and even start mining bitcoins. Chainlink cubes are here and it’s transforming the way we live. Now it’s time for you to get on board before it changes everything about your life.

1. Who is this for?

This is for anyone with an interest in blockchain. The new technologies of the blockchain are already transforming our lives, and that’s just the beginning.

2. What am I going to learn?

You’ll learn all the basic building blocks of blockchain technology — how it works, how to build decentralized applications (DApps), and how to set up a cryptocurrency wallet. You’ll also get hands-on experience with mining bitcoins.

3. Are there any prerequisites?

Nothing too technical here, just some basic computer literacy and some math skills that you can pick up at your local library. We won’t be covering any of the math in detail, just enough to get you started.

4. What do I need to know?

Being familiar with the internet and what it is might help, but you don’t need to be a computer genius or a programming expert. There’s no formal training program here, but if you’re interested in learning how blockchain truly works and is changing the world, then this course will help you out.

5. What are the benefits?

I’ll give a few benefits of taking this course. First of all, it’s free for life after today (August 15th). That means you can come back to it anytime and anywhere. Secondly, this course is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, so feel free to watch at your own pace. Thirdly, you’ll get a more comprehensive understanding of blockchain and the revolution it’s causing in the world around us.

6. How long will it take?

This course is divided into six sections with some review questions in between them. All together, including the review questions, each section should take you about an hour or two to complete. So if you intend on taking this course straight through without skipping anything, then you can expect your first view of this page to be around two hours after starting.

7. What am I going to get from this course?

I’ve broken this course down into six sections, each of which teaches you a different but related aspect of blockchain technology. Some sections take you step by step through the process of building a decentralized application (DApp) and setting up a cryptocurrency wallet, while others teach the fundamental concepts of blockchain technology. Whether you’re just learning about blockchain or if you’re looking to learn how to build on it, this course has something for everyone.

8. How is this different from other courses?

Other courses often focus on building one particular platform with one set goal in mind — usually transferring money from one person to another as quickly as possible. Learning how to build on the blockchain is a different experience. It’s more about understanding the process of building decentralized applications and about seeing what can be done with it. This course also teaches you how to set up a cryptocurrency wallet, which takes you through all of the steps necessary to do that. We’ve also included some extra content (such as an overview of blockchain technology) for those who want to know more about it but don’t know where to start.

9. What will I receive?

You’ll receive a download link for this course once your purchase has been completed on your account. You can then watch it as many times and from as many devices as you like.

*Note: All of your purchases are tracked on your account for security reasons. If you would like to add multiple people to the same account, please contact us.

10. What can I expect after I purchase?

Once your purchase is complete, you’ll receive an email with a download link for this course on our website (eCourses4You). You will be able to log into our website with the username and password that you used when purchasing this course. When you log in, you’ll be able to watch the videos, pause them at any time, and skip forward to any part of the course that you want. We’ve also included a few review questions that we’d like students to complete before proceeding to the next section. This will help you retain what you’ve learned and give you the added confidence that comes from completing a task on your own without being told what to do.


This course teaches you the basics of how to set up a cryptocurrency wallet and how to build decentralized applications (DApps). It’s a good way to learn how blockchain works and how its technology is transforming the world.

What makes this course different from other courses is that it teaches you how blockchain works from its most fundamental level, and then shows you the power of building on that foundation. The blockchain contains incredible potential for changing the world for the better, but in order to make that happen we first have to understand it. Kids need to learn about it so we can build a future for them. Business leaders need to know about it so our businesses will be prepared for what comes next.

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