Exercising is one of the best ways to keep your health in check and feel great. It also helps you lose weight and build strength. Luckily, there are tons of fitness blogs that cater to different audiences, so finding a blog you think will help you achieve your goals is not difficult. But while they may all say they’re here to help, some of these blogs are filled with lies, exaggerations, and half-truths. Here on Getwebsoup.com site there are five fitness blogs that distort the truth for their own gain.
Fitness blogs are popping up all over the place, and for good reason — they’re a great way to learn about and try new workouts, get tips on healthy eating, or just see what other people’s fitness and health routines are like. But while fitness blogs are an excellent option for those who want to stay active but don’t know where to start, they’re not always what they claim to be. So before you start reading up on the latest trends in your favorite website, take a look at these five facts that will make you think twice.
Five Facts About Fitness Blogs That Will Make You Think Twice :
1. It’s not just about the workouts:
As important as exercise is to a healthy lifestyle, what you’re really doing when you read a blog is forming an opinion. Bloggers are in the business of selling you something, whether it’s themselves or their products. That means they’re constantly trying to build an audience by offering advice based on their own experiences and believing that everyone needs to know how much they know.
For example, do you think any of these bloggers actually achieved their body goals? Or did they just post pictures with no explanation? It’s hard to build trust if you offer no proof and can’t even take the time to name your blog properly.
2. They don’t understand your goals:
Just like there are many different types of blogs, there are just as many fitness goals. One person may be looking to lose a few pounds while another might want to compete in a bodybuilding competition. Each one of these goals is completely different, and the workouts should reflect that.
Instead, these blogs cram all kinds of info into one generic workout plan and never tell you what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. This doesn’t allow you to give feedback or ask questions, and you may end up wasting time with something that won’t work for your body type or lifestyle.
3. There are a lot of copycats:
It’s always best to do your homework before you buy or sign up for something, but if you’re just looking for a quick workout, you may not be very thorough. But that’s the point – fitness blogs want you to click on an affiliate link or purchase something without doing your research first.
While this isn’t always successful it does happen far too often, and even if viewers aren’t subject to ads, they have performed the desired action that the blog wants-they clicked on the ad or purchased something without thoroughly thinking it through.
4. Don’t trust before you verify:
Everyone loves a good before and after picture, but it doesn’t mean much if the only difference is that they’re wearing different clothing. For example, these are completely different pictures with the same person– one was taken after a workout and the other shows the same person 24 hours later. The difference is pretty dramatic! Learn how to spot fake photos on Pinterest here .
It’s also easy to fake stats, so even if you’re looking at graphs instead of single photos, your best bet is to contact someone who knows something about this subject or do your own research.
5. They don’t know what you need:
Just because fitness blogs have fancy equipment and professional photographers, doesn’t mean they’ll be able to help you achieve your goals. The best blogs are those who either have a detailed explanation of their workout or the ones who allow you to ask questions, so that you can make sure it’s right for your needs and body type.
While many people like the idea of being able to follow a workout plan without paying a personal trainer or signing up at the gym, they’re often disappointed with the results, especially if they aren’t following all of their rules or if they skipped ahead to something more advanced without really understanding what they were doing.