The art and business of filmmaking is, at its most basic level, the process of capturing light and sound on a surface.

A film crew is an assorted group of people that make filmmaking happen, from the decision-makers like producers and directors to those who help make things run smoothly like cinematographers and production assistants. 

There are also those who help with what we see onscreen: camera operators, costume designers, set designers. These people all come together to create films for audiences all across the globe.

American films tend to appeal more to the younger demographic, with many popular Hollywood movies being remakes of previous works, or are adaptations of books or plays that were famous to begin with. Many current American blockbusters are geared toward how much money they will make at the box office and in DVD sales, however not all blockbusters are successful. 

About American Film industry :

1.American Films:

-There is a very large market in the US for films, with annual production of over 8,000. Approximately half are comedies and half action/adventure. Three quarters of the films made in the US are financed by independent producers and only one quarter by major corporations. 

Biggest production companies are: Disney, Warner Bros., Paramount, Universal Studios. There are six major film companies, which co-produce about 75% of all feature films made in the US. The largest American studios in terms of box office receipts are: Fox Studios (20th Century Fox) and Warner Bros. The most successful film is still the top-grossing film: “The Terminator”, with revenues of more than $1.7 billion.

2.International Films:

-Outside North America, film makers buy and distribute their own films through local distributors and pay minimal fees to foreign agents such as UIP for the rights to distribute a film abroad; many take out loans to finance projects. 

The money has to cover costs, production and distribution, but less for foreign language versions of films. Films are not bought by distributors or made for profit; benefits are shared between producers and distributors who are usually friends or relatives.

 The distributor usually takes less than one-third of the box office receipts as a fee, and limits the number of prints made in order to reduce costs. The number of films made by individual countries varies greatly. 

Germany has the most films shown outside its own borders producing around 3,000 films a year. India produces around 1,500 films a year, but most are in the regional language and not many foreign sales are made; Australia produces around 600 films a year.

Disadvantages of American film industry :

1.Commercialization is the most obvious. In North America, film-makers need to make money quickly. They will therefore cut costs and add more action sequences to the film in order to make it more commercial, which may result in poor acting or a poor script.

2.If a film does not turn profit, it will be taken off the market and very rarely re-released in North America: abandoned films are rarely given another chance of fame by being re-released. During the 1930s, American studios refused to release their films abroad under their own production.

3.In North America, the film industry is dominated and controlled by just a few companies. Control of distribution in the United States means that these companies have much control over the kind of films you will see in theatres, what can be shown and what can’t be shown. 

Even when there is a new director being considered for a film project, they will not be able to present their ideas unless they have secured funding from one of these companies also in order for them to approve using their name on the film .

Disadvantages of International film industry :

1.International films, especially those made in countries where films are less profitable, are more likely to be made in less desirable and less popular genres.

2.International films can be very expensive to produce, especially if they are not shown outside the producing country. For example, it is difficult for Hollywood films to compete with Chinese martial arts films that would have been produced for a much smaller budget.

3.Language can be a problem. Not all films are made in English and films rarely break into the mainstream market; although a film may be popular in its native country, it may not have widespread appeal to audiences worldwide.

 Even if the film is shown outside its country of origin, some films will have to have subtitles put onto them, which can make the plot difficult to follow and can turn many viewers away from watching the film.

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