Marketing is no longer about print ads, radio, and television commercials. The marketing field has expanded by leaps and bounds to increase a brand’s reach among the people. Using just written images or content alone is no more exciting and engaging. People crave for visual and mental stimulation and your venture is expected to provide them that for it to be successful. 

But how can you deliver that? Video Marketing comes to your rescue here. Video Marketing is a field that has changed the meaning of marketing for one and all. Customers are offered a wide range of exciting and engaging content on social media like live streaming, augmented reality, 360-degree videos, and much more. 

What is video marketing?

Releasing engaging videos through your social media handles or on televisions is referred to as video marketing. It’s very different from advertising or marketing because it is not all promotional content. It is made just to reflect on your brand values, make a rapport with your customers, and engage more and more people with you. This is the new way of marketing. 

With a free online video editor like InVideo, the process is a lot simpler now. Indeed it is very different from what conventional ways of marketing were like. And not only does it offer a much wider reach, it also helps you connect with people on deeper grounds, making your relationship stronger with them. 

How to build on a video marketing strategy?

Just as you won’t start creating a commercial without researching and understanding the game, you need to do some homework before you step into this zone of video marketing and make the most of it.

Start with a goal

You need to know why exactly you want to create the video. Is it because you want to bring in more customers for your brand? Then it is an awareness campaign that you wish to jump into through this video.

Is engaging your customers more important to you? Then the motive of your video marketing is to consider the customers’ problems. How can you solve the various issues that they face? How can they use your product more efficiently? What are the various features that your product provides them with? All these and many more should be the centre of focus.

Is your motive to nurture more prospects? Then a decision is what your video marketing campaign is all about. Making your prospects decide to count on you. Helping them know more about you is all that you are looking for. 

Know your target audience

You need to figure out who your target audience is. It is, of course, your customers. They may be a specific age group, or a gender, or an area, or a specific type of consumer base. You need the persona mapping of your customers to know what they like and what they are interested in. 

Making engaging videos for your target audience is thus the most important. They should get attracted to your content by just having a look at it. Make sure to create something fresh and valuable for them to be hooked to your content and looking on for more from your side. 

Figure out the story that you wish to narrate

Video marketing is more about storytelling than promoting. Making videos that use a story to give out the message is perhaps what makes it even more interesting. Some points that you may want to think of are:

  1. The protagonist and his goal– The protagonist should align with the demographic targets of your video.
  2. The conflict that he is fighting with– There is always a conflict involved in a story. This conflict is the highlight, the problem that you want to solve.
  3. The quest– The quest behind which your protagonist is would serve as the introduction to your services. 
  4. The resolution– The solution to your problem would serve as the gateway to your customers’ issues. 

These are the main elements of your story; the ones that can make or break it. Try to make them as enjoyable as possible. Remember, the whole motive of your campaign is to engage your customers and prospects. 

Keep the creative needs along with you

Having a creative guide by your side is always recommended. In making the video, there would be many changes made to the script, the story, and the narration. Do not lose your patience. 

It is best to have some professionals by your side to guide all your decisions and make the perfect cut. Someone who knows the filmmaking process, the requirements of the online video editor that you are going to use, etc. 

Stick to the timeline

Creating a timeline is very important when it comes to any production. Without deadlines and a proper timeline, your video marketing project will get delayed by default because of one or the other reasons.

Moreover, a timeline helps you and your teams to figure out what they need to do and when. For example, your media team has a lot of other content and releases. So, it will have to make sure that it leaves a time slot empty for your video to release. Similarly, your editors working with an online video editor should know when they will have to work on the project and not take up anything else during that time. 

Maintain a budget that you can manage

Creativity, story, and strategy are all essential for a great brand video. But all of them fall short when you fall short of finances. It is crucial to plan the resources you have at your disposal to bring your project to life. Some of the elements come at a very cheap price or even free of cost, such as InVideo online video editor, while some can cost significantly high. 


Making a brand video is something that has been a trend for some time now. It is a perfect way to create a far-reaching customer and follower base; all that you need is a team of creative people working on some creative content.

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