Power strips are handy items owned by almost every household. In such an electronic-powered world, there never seems to be enough power outlets to satiate everyone’s needs in the house. Isn’t it annoying when you wake up and find out that your sister removed your laptop’s charger so that she could use it? Thankfully, the invention of power strips has already dealt with that problem. They offer multiple outlets for all your small devices to work and charge together. 

It’s essential to stay safe around electronic appliances, though. That’s why we have compiled a list of things you should be wary of when using power strips. Let’s go ahead and go through some safety tips!

  1. Do not plug in larger appliances.

High capacity items like refrigerators, dehumidifiers, and other larger appliances should never be plugged into power strips. Instead, you should always directly plug them into a wall socket. Power strips are meant to handle smaller loads like chargers, electric kettles, or gaming consoles as they don’t use much power. Using heavy load items will only cause short circuits or worse – might end up ruining your appliances. 

Items in your kitchen like toasters, microwaves, or crockpots can drain a lot of power, so it’s best to avoid plugging them in power strips. Remember that you should never use strips or extension cords on countertops or the bathrooms as it can be potentially risky. Here are the things you should never plug into a power strip.Image Source

  1. Do not cover them up

You might feel like getting creative with home décor and feel the need to cover up these wires and strips under an aesthetic rug. But that is not a wise choice. Covering up electrical items can promote overheating as the heat that’s already been generated will be trapped under the cloth. That could lead to overheating and potential fires. 

You could even trip over them, and they’re certainly not a great way to greet your guests. If some wire splits out, repeatedly stepping on them could break the cords and cause an electric shock. This is one of the most common mistakes made by people new to power strips

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  1. Do not connect multiple strips together

Connecting multiple power strips in a series of a connective chain, also known as daisy chaining, could cause many issues. It’s known that connecting power strips to increase the number of outlets can lead to power cuts and other damages to any connected appliance. 

If your home is considerably old and lacks outlets, you can call over an electrician to install more plugs instead of looking for cheap alternatives that could prove to be fatal. 

That is a safer alternative to go for. 

  1. Buy the right product.

Be a smart customer and always check the specifications before buying an electronic product. When purchasing a power strip, check out the specifications on the back of the package and determine how much watts the strip can handle. Go for the one with the highest number of watts, because, the more, the better. Do the calculations and figure out how much collective watts the devices you’re plugging in will use. 

It should not exceed the number printed on the package of your product. Make sure the product is certified and worth all the bucks you’re spending on it. Moreover, it should cater to all your household needs and should always have a circuit breaker, which is an important safety measure that protects your devices in case of a power surge. When buying a surge protector, aim to compare the voltage rating. The lower it is, the better protection is guaranteed against a power surge. 

  1. Do not use it for extended intervals.

Power strips aren’t meant to be left open 24 hours a day. They aren’t designed to handle the extensive load for long intervals, which could cause them to break down. An overused power strip will heat up quickly and start working abruptly. If your power strips feel hot, that’s an undeniable sign that you have plugged in more devices than required. Keep an eye out for any melted area or surrounding burn marks. That could point out that you’re overusing your power strip. 


These safety tips are all you need to keep in mind while dealing with power strips. It should cater to all your household needs without a hitch if you follow these steps. Remember that it’s essential to be careful around electronic goods, and you should always check for any signs that might point out a need for replacements. Power strips are beneficial products, but things can quickly go awry if you’re careless with them. These tips should keep you on the safer side.

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